Spielrein family : Eva, Sabina, Nikolai, Emil, Isaak, and Jan, Rostov-on-Don, 1909.
Works by Sabina Spielrein
All Spielrein’s papers from Imago, IJP, IZP, Jahrbuch, Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik and Zentralblatt are available online at COTIPUB. For abbreviations, see end of list.
‘Über den psychologischen Inhalt eines Falles von Schizophrenie (Dementia praecox)’ [On the psychological content of a case of schizophrenia (Dementia praecox)], Jahrbuch, 1911, vol. 3, pp. 329-400 (reprinted in BB, pp. 11-93).
In English: RCRB, pp. 14-90 / PCWFK, pp. 197-208 (an excerpt).
a. ‘Die Destruktion als Ursache des Werdens’ [Destruction as the cause of coming into being/Destruction as the cause of becoming], Jahrbuch, 1912, vol. 4, pp. 465-503 (reprinted in BB, pp. 97-144).
In English: JAP, 1994, vol. 39, pp. 155-186 / PCWFK, pp. 209-253 / RCRB, pp. 97-135.
In Polish: 'Destrukcja jako przyczyna stawania się', tr. M. Chojnacki, Imago psychoanalizy. Antologia, ed. A. Sobolewska, 2021, Słowo/obraz terytoria, pp. 205-247.
b. ‘Über Transformation’ [On transformation], Zentralblatt, 1912, vol. 2, p. 478 (reprinted in BB, pp. 238-240).
In English: Minutes, pp. 329-331.
a. ‘Mutterliebe’, [Maternal love], Imago, 1913, vol. 2, pp. 523-524.
In English: PCWFK, pp. 254-255.
b. ‘Das unbewußte Träumen in Kuprins “Zwiekampf ”’ [The unconscious phantasies in Kuprin’s ‘Duel’], Imago, 1913, vol. 2, pp. 524-525.
In English: JAP, 2001, vol. 4, p. 201 (reprinted in CCBW, pp. 263-264).
c. ‘Die Schwiegermutter’ [The mother-in-law], Imago, 1913, vol. 2, pp. 589-592 (reprinted in TH , pp. 158-162).
In English: JAP, 2001; 46, vol. 4, pp. 201-20 (reprinted in CCBW, pp. 267-270).
d. ‘Traum von “Pater Freudenreich”’ [The dream from ‘Pater Freudenreich’], IZP, 1913, vol. 1, pp. 484-486 (reprinted in BB, pp. 147-152).
In English: Sabina Spielrein, "‘Dream of “Father Freudenreich,”’ transl. Dylan James Peterson, American Imago, Vol. 78, No. 4, Summer 2022.
e. ‘Selbstbefriedigung in Fusssymbolik’ [Self-gratification with foot symbolism], Zentralblatt, 1913, vol. 3, p. 263.
f. ‘Beiträge zur Kenntnis der kindlichen Seele’ [Contributions to understanding a child’s mind], Zentralblatt, 1913, vol. 3, pp. 57-72 (reprinted in TH, pp. 146-152).
In English: RCRB, pp. 135-154.
a. ‘Zwei Mensesträume’ [Two menstrual dreams], IZP, 1914, vol. 2, pp. 32-34.
In English: PCWFK, pp. 257-260.
b. ‘Tiersymbolik und Phobie bei einem Knaben’ [Animal symbolism and a boy’s phobia], IZP, 1914, vol. 2, pp. 375-377.
In English: JAP, 2001, vol. 4, pp. 525-7 (reprinted in CCBW, pp. 264-267).
c. ‘Der vergessene Name’ [The forgotten name], IZP, 1914, vol. 2, pp. 383-384.
In English: PCWFK, p. 256.
‘Ein unbewußter Richterspruch’ [An unconscious judgement], IZP, 1915, vol. 3, p. 350.
‘Die Äußerungen des Ödipuskomplexes im Kindesalter’ [The utterances of the Oedipus complex in childhood], IZP, 1918, vol. 4, pp. 44-48.
a. ‘Zur Frage der Entstehung und Entwicklung der Lautsprache’ [On the question of the origin and development of speech], IZP, 1920, vol. 6, p. 401.
In English: IJP, 1920, vol. 1, pp. 359-360.
b. ‘Renatchens Menschentstehungstheorie’ [Renatchen’s theory of creation], IZP, 1920, vol. 6, pp. 155-157 (reprinted in TH, pp. 178-179).
c. ‘Das Schamgefühl bei Kindern’ [The sense of shame in children], IZP 1920, vol. 6, pp. 157-158.
d. ‘Das schwache Weib’ [The weak woman], IZP, 1920, vol. 6, p. 158.
e. ‘Resenzion: Isaak Spielrein, Über schwer zu merkende Zahlen und Rechenaufgaben. Ein Beitrag zur angewandten Gedächtnislehre’ [Review: Isaac Spielrein. On numbers that are difficult to retain, and calculation tasks. A comment on the applied science of memory], IZP, 1920, vol. 6, pp. 172-174.
f. ‘Verdrängte Munderotik’ [Displaced oral eroticism], IZP, 1920, vol. 6, pp. 361-362.
a. ‘Russische Literatur. Bericht über die Fortschritte der Psychoanalyse in den Jahren 1914-1919’ [Russian Literature on psychoanalysis], Beihefte der IZP, 1921, vol. 3, pp. 356-365.
In English: PCWFK, pp. 261-272.
b. ‘Schnellanalyse einer kindlichen Phobie’ [Brief analysis of a child’s phobia], IZP, 1921, vol. 7, pp. 473-474.
a. ‘Die Entstehung der kindlichen Worte “Papa” und “Mama”’ [The origin of the child’s words ‘Papa’ and ‘Mama’], Imago, 1922, vol. 8, pp. 345-367 (reprinted in BB, pp. 153-180; also in TH, pp. 180-203).
In English: CCBW, pp. 289-309.
b. ‘Qui est l’auteur du crime?’ [Who is the guilty one?], Journal de Genève, vol. 93, 15 January 1922.
In English: PCWFK, pp. 273-278.
c. ‘Schweiz: Die Genfer psychoanalytische Gesellschaft’ [Switzerland: The Geneva Psychoanalytic Society], IZP, vol. 8, pp. 234-235
d. ‘Briefmarkentraum’ [A stamp dream], IZP, 1922, vol. 8, pp. 342-343.
e. ‘Psychologisches zum Zeitproblem’, Bericht über den V11. Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Kongreß in Berlin (25-27. Sept. 1922) [Psychology of the problem of time. Report of the 7th International Psychoanalytic Congress in Berlin], IZP, 1922, vol. 8, pp. 496-497.
a. ‘Quelques analogies entre la penseé de l’enfant, celle de l’aphasique et la penseé subconsciente’ [Some analogies between thinking in children, aphasia, and the unconscious mind], Archives de Psychologie, 1923, vol. 18, pp. 305-322 (reprinted in: Delafosse "Sur la langue de l’enfant: Choix de textes de 1876-1962", 2010, pp. 161-77).
In English: PCWFK, pp. 301-321.
b. ‘Die Zeit im unterschwelligen Seelenleben’ [Time in Sublimal Psychic Life], Imago, 1923, vol. 9, pp. 300-17 (reprinted in BB, pp. 183-210; also in TH, pp. 207-222).
In English: PCWFK, pp. 279-294.
c. ‘Die drei Fragen’ [The three questions], Imago, 1923, vol. 9, pp. 260-263.
In English: PCWFK, pp. 295-300.
d. ‘Rêve et vision des étoiles filantes’ [A dream and a vision of shooting stars], IJP 1923, vol. 4, pp. 129-32. In English: JAP, 2001, vol. 46, pp. 211-214.
e. ‘L’automobile: Symbole de la puissance mâle’ [The motor car as a symbol of male power], IJP, 1923, vol. 4, p. 128.
In English: JAP, 2001, vol. 46, pp. 209-210.
f. ‘Ein Zuschauertypus’ [A spectator type], IZP, 1923, vol. 9, pp. 210-211 (reprinted in TH, pp. 204-206).
g. ‘Der Gedankengang bei einem zweieinhalbjährigen Kind. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse. Sitzung am 13. Januar 1923’ [The train of thought in a two-and-a-half-year-old child. Session of the Swiss Psychoanalytical Association, 13 January 1923], IZP, 1923, vol. 9, pp. 251-252.
‘Einige kleine Mitteilungen aus dem Kinderleben’ [Some brief comments on childhood], Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik, 1927/8, vol. 2, pp. 95-99.
‘K’dokladu Doktora Skal’kovskovo’ [Dr. Skalkovskiy’s Report], Trudy 1-vo Sovyeshchaniya Psikhiatrov i Nevropatologov Severo-Kavkazskovo Kraya, Rostov na Donu, 1929 [Proceedings of the 1st Congress of Psychiatry and Neuropathology of the North Caucasus Region, Rostov-on-Don, 1929].
In German: BB, pp. 205-212; also in TH, pp. 224-230.
In English: PCWFK, pp. 322-329.
‘Kinderzeichnungen bei offenen und geschlossenen Augen’ [Children’s drawings with eyes open and closed], Imago, 1931, vol. 17, pp. 359-391, tr. from Russian by N.A. Spielrein.
In English: PCWFK, pp. 330-366.
Diaries, correspondence and hospital records
In German:
AC: Diary extracts 1909-1912; Letters to Freud 1909-1914; Letters from Freud 1909-1923; Letters to Jung 1911-1918; Letters from Jung 1908-1919.
TH: Diary extracts 1897-1912; Letter to mother 1905 (misdated 1908); Letters to Freud 1909; Letter drafts to Jung (probably 1907); Letter to Jung 1911; Letters from Freud 1913, 1923; Letter from father 1913; Correspondence with Jung 1918-1919; Hospital records.
In English:
Carotenuto 1982: Diary extracts 1909-1912; Letters to Freud 1909-1914; Letters from Freud 1909-1923; Letters to Jung 1911-1918.
CCBW: Referral letter from Jung 1905; Letter drafts to Jung (probably 1907); Letters from Jung 1908-1919; Hospital records. Also includes extracts from correspondence in essays by Graf-Nold, Lothane and Richebächer.
JAP, 2001, vol. 46: Referral letter from Jung 1905; Letters from Jung 1908-19; Hospital records.
The Untold Story of Sabina Spielrein: Healed & Haunted by Love. Unpublished Russian Diary and Letters, transl. H. Z. Lothane & V. Shpilrain. The Unconscious in Translation, 2023.
AC = A. Carotenuto (ed.), Tagebuch einer heimlichen Symmetrie: Sabina Spielrein zwischen Jung und Freud (Freiburg, Kore, 1986)
BB = Brinkmann, E. & Bose, G. (1986), Sabina Spielrein: Ausgabe in 2 Bänden, Bd. 2 Ausgewählte Schriften (Frankfurt am Main, Brinkmann & Bose).
CCBW = C. Covington & B. Wharton (eds), Sabina Spielrein, Forgotten Pioneer of Psychoanalysis (Hove, Brunner-Routledge, 2003)
COTIPUB = Collection of the International Psychoanalytic University of Berlin https://archive.org/details/CollectionOfTheInternationalPsychoanalyticUniversityBerlin
CSAR = Central State Archives of Russia
CW = C.G. Jung, The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, ed. H. Read, M. Fordham, G. Adler & W. McGuire, tr. R.F.C. Hull (Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press, 1953-80)
DS = D. Steffens (tr.), ‘Burghölzli Hospital Records of Sabina Spielrein’, revised by Barbara Wharton, JAP 2001, vol. 46, pp. 15-42
FJL = W. McGuire (ed.), The Freud/Jung Letters: The Correspondence between Sigmund Freud and C.G. Jung, tr. R. Manheim & R.F.C. Hull (Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press, 1974)
Geneva = Archives of the descendants of Georges de Morsier, Geneva
HR = Burghölzli Hospital Records
IJP = International Journal of Psychoanalysis
IZP = Internationale Zeitschrift für ärtzliche Psychoanalyse (to 1920); Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse (from 1920)
JAP = Journal of Analytical Psychology
Jahrbuch = Jahrbuch für psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen
Minutes = H. Nunberg & E. Federn (eds), Minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (New York NY, International Universities Press, 1962-75)
PCWFK = P. Cooper-White & F. Kelcourse (eds), Sabina Spielrein and the Beginnings of Psychoanalysis (NY: Routledge, 2019)
RCRB = R. Cape & R. Burt (eds), The Essential Writings of Sabina Spielrein. Pioneer of Psychoanalysis (NY: Routledge, 2019)
SE = S. Freud, The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, tr. under the general editorship of James Strachey (London, Hogarth Press, 1953-74)
SR = S. Richebächer, Eine fast grausame Liebe zur Wissenschaft (Munich, BTB, 2008)
TH = T. Hensch (ed.), Sabina Spielrein: Nimm meine Seele: Tagebücher und Schriften (Freiburg, Freitag, 2006)
WW = I. Wackenhut & A. Willke, Sabina Spielrein. Missbrauchüberlebende und Psychoanalytikerin (unpublished dissertation, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, 1994)
Yad Vashem = Yad Vashem World Centre for Holocaust Research, Documentation, Education and Commemoration. Jerusalem, The Holocaust. http://www.yadvashem.org/yv/en/holocaust/
YIVO = Institute for Jewish Research, New York, Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/
Zentralblatt = Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie
John Launer, Isabelle Noth, Klara Naszkowska