April 10, 2022
12:00 noon - 4:00 P.M. Eastern (New York) Time (Sunday).
The conference is a combination of pre–recorded presentations and a webinar.
The pre–recorded presentations will be made available to registered conference participants by March 25, 2022.
The Program includes three introductory presentations free of charge.
The webinar will take place on April 10, 2022, 12:00 noon - 4:00 P.M. Eastern (New York) Time (Sunday). There will be no presentations given during the webinar. Its purpose is to engage with the speakers and other participants in a discussion.
Watch the welcoming address here:
Structure of the Webinar:
Please note that we are using here Eastern (New York) Time
12:00 noon – 12:05 P.M.
12:05 P.M. – 12:35 P.M.
Panel I: Introductory Lectures
12:35 P.M. – 1:05 P.M.
Panel II: Sabina Spielrein and Carl Jung
1:05 P.M. – 1:25 P.M.
Panel III: Sabina Spielrein and Medical Science
1:25 P.M. – 1:55 P.M.
Panel IV: Sabina Spielrein and the Death Drive
1:55 P.M.– 2:15 P.M.
Coffee break
2:15 P.M. – 2:35 P.M.
Panel V: Sabina Spielrein and Language
2:35 P.M. – 3:05 P.M.
Panel VI: More Female Pioneers of Psychoanalysis, Holocaust, and Tyranny
3:05 P.M. – 3:35 P.M.
Panel VII: More Female Pioneers of Psychoanalysis: Escaping Holocaust, and Tyranny?
3:35 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.
General Discussion
To register for the conference (pre–recorded presentations & webinar), please go to:
If you are interested in access to the open–access presentations only, please email us at: to pre–register.
List of Presentations:
Panel I: Free-of-Charge Introductory Presentations:
Sabina Spielrein. Introductory Lecture (50 min)
Klara Naszkowska (Warsaw/New York)
Between Bolsheviks and Nazis: A Tragic Story of Sabina's Family (25 min)
Vladimir Shpilrain (New York)
Psychoanalysis and emancipation: First Female Psychoanalysts from Poland –
a Country that Did Not Exist (40 min)
Paweł Dybel (Warsaw, Krakow)
Presentations for Registered Participants:
Panel II: Sabina Spielrein and Carl Jung
The Miss-Treatment of the Little Russian Patient (20 min)
Nina Clara Schnall (Oakland)
Sabina Spielrein’s Influence on C. G Jung, as Case, Collaborator, and Projected Anima (20 min)
Felicity Kelcourse (Indianapolis)
Analytical Psychology: Comparative Analysis (20 min)
Valentin Balanovsky (Kaliningrad)
Sabina Spielrein and #MeToo Movement (30 min)
Kathy Sinsheimer (Oakland) (15 min)
Adrienne Harris (New York) (15 min)
Panel III: Sabina Spielrein and Medical Science
Sabina Spielrein as a Pioneer of Evolutionary Psychology and Psychiatry (25 min)
John Launer (London)
Spielrein, Materialistic Psychoanalysis and Holistic Neurology (25 min)
Ana Tomcic (Exeter)
Panel IV: Sabina Spielrein and the death drive
Death Instinct and Mental Conflict in Spielrein’s Work (15 min)
Fatima Caropreso (Juiz de Fora)
We Could Just as Readily Derive Everything from the Nurturing Drive: Spielrein as a Proto-Relational Theorist (20 min)
Esther Rapoport (Tel Aviv)
Is the Death Drive Gendered? (35 min)
Adrienne Harris (New York) (15 min)
Eyal Rozmarin (New York) (20 min)
Panel V: Sabina Spielrein and Language
Sabina Spielrein as Linguist (published paper & PowerPoint presentation)
Katalin Faluvégi (Budapest)
Sabina Spielrein’s Language of the Mother: Anticipation of the Ideas of Hélène Cixous and Luce Irigaray (30 min)
Klara Naszkowska (Warsaw/New York)
Panel VI: More Female Pioneers of Psychoanalysis, Holocaust, and Tyranny
Erzsébet Kardos, the Promise of the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis (25 min)
Anna Borgos (Budapest)
What Do We Know about Tatiana Rosenthal? An Interview (40 min)
Pamela Cooper-White (New York) & Leonid Kadis (St. Petersburg)
An Unknown Heroine’s Mission on the Eve of the Second World War: Erzsébet Farkas’ Work in a Jewish Foster Home in Hungary (15 min)
Dóra Szabó (Budapest)
Eugenie Sokolnicka, Sophie Morgenstern: Forgotten Pioneers of Psychoanalysis in the Field of Female Psyche and Child Psychology (20 min)
Ursula Prameshuber (Rome)
Panel VII: More Female Pioneers of Psychoanalysis: Escaping Holocaust and Tyranny?
The Artist as Narcissus: Lou Andreas-Salomé on Artistic Creativity (20 min)
Shira Dushy (Tel Aviv/Berlin)
Beyond the Nirvana Principle: Barbara Low’s Contributions to Psychoanalysis (20 min)
Richard Theisen Simanke (Juiz de Fora)
Speaking in Tongues. Nic Waal (1905—1960): Norwegian Psychoanalyst and
Resistance Fighter (25 min)
Håvard Friis Nilsen (Ostfold)
Sabina’s Faces: Work-in-Progress Presentation of a Theatrical Performance (12 min)
Gunilla Bergerham (Stockholm)
Matilda Strand (Stockholm)
Eveline Grassman (Stockholm)
Alexandra Ekelöf (Stockholm)
Bob Dolman (Los Angeles)
The program is subject to changes.
International Association for Spielrein Studies
International Psychoanalytic University Berlin
The Psychology and Religion Program at Union Theological Seminary in New York
Scientific and organisational committee:
Klara Naszkowska (Chair, International Association for Spielrein Studies)
Adrienne Harris (International Association for Spielrein Studies)
John Launer (International Association for Spielrein Studies)
Bernhard Bolech (International Psychoanalytic University Berlin)
Pamela Cooper-White (International Association for Spielrein Studies)
Language of the conference: English
Polish/English and German/English translators will be present at the webinar
Balanovsky, Valentin
Ph.D. in philosophy, LL.M, senior researcher at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad). Research interests: history of philosophy and psychology (particularly Jung, Spielrein, Lossky). Recent publications: "Sabina Spielrein (1885-1942), czyli o prawdziwych przyczynach sukcesów Freuda i Junga (2021); “S.N. Spielrein’s Contribution to Development of Key Notions of C.G. Jung’s Analytical Psychology”; “Role of Sabina Spielrein in Forming Theoretical Basis of the Analytical Psychology” (both in Russian, 2020).
Bergerham, Gunilla
Playwright and actress working on stage, and in film and TV productions. Now touring is her musical for children about the environments of the oceans. Gunilla is also a certified dream coach of the Institute for Dream Psychology and a gestalt practitioner.
Bolech, Bernhard
Ph.D., historian, researcher and librarian at the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin. Most recent publication: “Rudolf M. Loewenstein and psychoanalysis of antisemitism” (in German, 2019; in Polish, 2020); “Galician Psychoanalysts at Freud’s Side. On the Epistemic Benefits of Social Marginalization” (in German, 2018).
Borgos, Anna
Ph.D., research fellow at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Budapest, editor-in-chief of the psychoanalytic journal Imágó Budapest. Research interests: life and work of Hungarian women intellectuals with focus on psychoanalysis and literature. Recent book publication: Women in the Budapest School of psychoanalysis: Girls of Tomorrow (2021), "Alice Bálint and her diaries" (2019).
Caropreso, Fatima
Ph.D., historian of psychology and psychoanalysis, associate professor at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil). Recent publications: "Subliminal thought according to Sabina Spielrein's psychoanalytic theory" (2021); "Sabina Spielrein’s theory of the origin and development of language” (2020); "The death instinct and the mental dimension beyond the pleasure principle in the works of Spielrein and Freud” (2017).
Cooper-White, Pamela
Ph.D., Academic Dean/Vice President, and C.B. Johnson professor of psychology & religion, Union Theological Seminary, New York. Recent publications: Sabina Spielrein and the Beginnings of Psychoanalysis: Image, Thought, and Language (co-editor, 2019); Old and Dirty Gods: Religion, Antisemitism and the Origins of Psychoanalysis (2017).
Dolman, Bob
Canadian-born painter, writer, filmmaker and teacher, living in California. Film and TV credits include SCTV, Willow, The Banger Sisters. Paintings exhibited in Los Angeles and Stockholm. Consultant for the development and presentation of Sabina’s Faces.
Dumas, Candice
M.A., clinical psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist from Cape Town, South Africa. Research interests: the history of the first generation of female psychoanalysts in Western Europe.
Dushy, Shira
Ph.D. student of Psychoanalysis and its Interfaces at Tel Aviv University, M.A.s in Psychology and in Philosophy. In her M.A. thesis she dealt with Lou Andreas-Salomè's writings about art and narcissism. Current research interests: psychoanalytic conceptualisation of the Ageing Subject, psychoanalysis, philosophy and the arts, and how they integrate in clinical practice. She makes art and music, and has recently become a mother.
Dybel, Paweł
Professor Dr. habil., IFiS at the Polish Academy of Sciences; Pedagogical University of Krakow. Author of many books on psychoanalysis and hermeneutics. Recent publications: Affinities from the era. Associations between Polish modernism and interwar literature with psychoanalysis (editor, in Polish, 2018); A Past Messiah. Bruno Schulz and Psychoanalysis (in Polish, 2017).
Ekelöf, Alexandra
Actress, composer, violinist, singer and songwriter. Alexandra comes from the physical theatre tradition. She works mainly in touring plays and in her own solo performance “The Ordinary Princess” in which she plays 30 characters in less than an hour - just by changing voice and posture.
Faluvégi, Katalin
M.A., Ph.D. student, linguist, Germanist, university lecturer at Budapest Business School. Research interests: encounter of linguistics and psychoanalysis in Spielrein's oeuvre. Recent publication: “Linguistic approaches of the early psychoanalysts: Freud, Ferenczi, Spielrein and Hollós” (in Hungarian, 2018).
Grassman, Eveline
Actress, writer, film director, journalist and lecturer of journalism at the University of Stockholm. She works with film and television. Recipient of the Manhattan Short Film Festival award for the short film “Lili can see you” (as director and writer, 2019) that investigates psychological and technological dilemmas in the modern age.
Harris, Adrienne
Ph.D., faculty and supervisor at NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, faculty and supervisor at the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California, co-founder of the Sándor Ferenczi Center at the New School University. Her current work is on analytic subjectivity, intersectional models of gender and sexuality, and ghosts.
Haska, Agnieszka
Ph.D., sociologist, cultural anthropologist, lecturer at the Polish Centre for Holocaust Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences. Research interests: collaboration discourse concerning WWII, attempts to save Jews with foreign passports, anthropological view of various forms of memory and post-memory. Recent book publication: Disgrace! Stories about Polish betrayal (in Polish, 2018).
Hernández, Irayetzin A.
M.A. in Psychoanalytic Theory at Colegio de Psicoanálisis Lacaniano (Mexico), M.A. student of Psychology at International Psychoanalytic University Berlin, in private practice in Mexico City. Recent lecture: “Abraham and Ferenczi in Front of the War Neuroses' presented in the Congress The Great War: Trauma and Neuroses” (2019).
Kadis, Leonid
Specialist in criminal psychology and psychopathology. He is a member of the Leningrad Regional Forensic Psychiatric Team and also a psychotherapist at St. Basil the Great Center for rehabilitation of adolescent offenders. His areas of research are forensic psychotherapy and psychodynamics of criminal behaviour, and the history of Russian psychoanalysis. Recent publication: “I Am Young, I Live, I Love...”: The Tragedy of Tatiana Rosenthal (2018, in Russian).
Kelcourse, Felicity
MMin., Ph.D., LMHC, associate professor of Clinical Mental Health Counselling and Psychology of Religion at Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis. Recent publications: Sabina Spielrein and the Beginnings of Psychoanalysis: Image, Thought, and Language (co-editor, 2019), Transforming Wisdom: Pastoral Psychotherapy in Theological Perspective (co-editor, 2015).
Kobylińska-Dehe, Ewa
Professor Dr. habil., psychoanalyst, (DPV, IPA), cultural scientist, philosopher. IPU Berlin, FPI Frankfurt, IFiS Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Recent publications: Body, Touching and Fantasy (in German, 2018), “Like a Phoenix from the ashes – on the decline and rebirth of psychoanalysis in Poland” (2018).
Launer, John
M.D., family physician and family therapist by background, founding member of the International Association for Spielrein Studies, author of the first full-length biography of Spielrein in English, Sex versus Survival: the life and ideas of Sabina Spielrein (2015).
Naszkowska, Klara
Ph.D., Cultural and Personal Historian, Fulbright Scholar, Postdoctoral Visiting scholar at Union Theological Seminary in NYC, and Center for Jewish History, Founding Director of the International Association for Spielrein Studies. Recent publications: “A Psychoanalyst, a Jew, a Woman, a Wife, a Mother, an Emigrant: Multiple Identities of the First–generation Émigré Foremothers of Psychoanalysis to the United States” (in Hungarian, 2021); “Sabina Spielrein: Searching for her own path” (in Polish, 2020); “Passions, Politics, and Drives: Sabina Spielrein in Soviet Russia” (2019).
Nilsen, Håvard Friis
Ph.D., historian of science and modern political history, professor of social science at Ostfold University College, Norway. Life Member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. Recent publication: "Resistance in Therapy and War. Psychoanalysis Before and During the Nazi Occupation of Norway 1933-45" (2013).
Prameshuber, Ursula
PsychD., Jungian psychoanalyst in private practice in Rome. M.A. in English literature from the University of Salzburg. Research interests: early female psychoanalysts, expats, nostalgia and exile. Recent publications: “Sabina Spielrein’s contribution to psychoanalysis” (in French, 2009); “Nostalgia” (in Italian, 2020).
Rapoport, Esther
PsyD, clinical psychologist and psychoanalytic candidate practicing in Tel Aviv. Techer at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev, author of From Psychoanalytic Bisexuality to Bisexual Psychoanalysis: Desiring in the Real (2019). Most recent publication on Spielrein: “Sabina Spielrein’s death drive, queer experience and psychoanalytic twogetherness” (2021).
Rozmarin, Eyal
Ph.D., co-editor of the book series Relational Perspectives in Psychoanalysis, associate editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues and Studies in Gender and Sexuality, faculty member at the White Institute, in private practice in NYC. Research interests: intersection of psychoanalysis, social theory, and philosophy. Recent publications: “The Subject of Otherness, the Subject as Otherness” (2019).
Schnall, Nina Clara
M.A., M.F.A., Writer, cultural anthropologist, 1999/2000 Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Artistic Director of the Yoga of Writing. Recent publications: “The Patient Writes Back; Psychoanalysis from the Other Side of the Couch” (2016) and “African Dance in Paris” (2018).
Shpilrain, Vladimir
Professor of mathematics at the City University of New York. Great-nephew of Sabina Spielrein. Together with Henry Lothane, Vladimir is currently involved in a project of translating Spielrein's diaries and letters from Russian into English.
Simanke, Richard Theisen
Ph.D., Chair Professor at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil), author of many works on history and philosophy of psychology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, and biology. Some recent publications: Biosemiotics and Evolution: The Natural Foundations of Meaning and Symbolism (with Elena Pagni, 2021).; “Freud and his Bahnung in the history of dynamic theories of memory” (in Portuguese, 2019); “Meaning and object in Freud’s theory of language” (2017).
Sinsheimer, Kathy
MFT, personal and supervising analyst and faculty member at the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California, in private practice for psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Research interest: the history of ethics in the field of psychoanalysis. Recent paper on the subject: “Silencing” (2014).
Strand, Matilda
Swedish actress, dancer and musical theatre performer. Matilda has performed in film and stage productions at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern and at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. She is also a drama and dance teacher for adolescents and children with neuropsychiatric conditions.
Szabó, Dóra
M.A., Ph.D. student in Theoretical Psychoanalysis Doctoral Programme at the University of Pécs and guest lecturer at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary). Research interests: the contribution of psychoanalysis to the pedagogical field with particular regard to the so-called psychoanalytic experimental schools. Recent publication: “Problems and possibilities concerning the concept of psychoanalytic pedagogy in the light of the work of Susan Isaacs in the Malting House School” (in History of Psychology, 2021).
Tomcic, Ana
Ph.D., cultural historian, author of Gods and Goods: Holism, Psychoanalysis and Modernist Women (thesis defended in 2019) with a chapter focused on Spielrein's work in Geneva and USSR. She is currently working on a book Rethinking Progress: Psychoanalysis, Social Development and Modernist Women that deals with the ways left-wing psychoanalysts and women writers (some of whom were also psychoanalytic patients or trainees) used psychoanalytic knowledge to subvert dominant ideas of individual and social development.
We Thank Our Sponsors:
Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej / Stiftung für deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit
Stowarzyszenie Żydowski Instytut Historyczny
Koehler Stiftung
Ursula Lachnit-Fixson Stiftung